kyle pulver

hi hi~

i'm kyle! this is my website with some information about me.

i'm a feelings oriented game designer and developer. i love creating internally consistent systems with content that explores them to the fullest. it is my divine purpose to guide players through journeys within themselves by creating experiences which cultivate proficiency through practice, patience, resilience, compassion, and understanding.

i'm currently tinkering with a video game project on my own, and i will reveal more about it once it has a relatively coherent and stable form.

most recently i worked with extremely ok! on earthblade. my focus was combat design, animation, and game design.

previously i worked with aether studios on rivals (of aether) 2 to develop a single player story mode. my focus was game design, narrative design, and writing.

before that i worked with team meat on super meat boy forever as a game designer and level designer. and i made a meat boy card game called rival rush.

as an independent developer, i made a bunch of games like offspring fling, depict1, bonesaw: the game, jottobots, super ninja slash, verge, and a bunch of smaller games for game jams and stuff like that.

i once made an open source c sharp 2d game framework using called otter.

i also like to draw stuff and make apps sometimes, and i'm also very passionate about writing and animation. i actually just love to create in a lot of mediums, and i am really good at learning and adapting quickly to all sorts of situations and constraints. i best serve teams by rapidly moving between varying roles as needed, and bridging the gaps that exist between differing areas of expertice.

i won newgrounds game of the year a long time ago and i got this really sick solid metal tank trophy. i'm very proud of it. a very very long time ago i was nominated for excellence in design at the independent games festival, and a won a ludum dare once. oh also i was in the pax 10 indie games showcase two years in a row because i am in fact really good at making video games.

i was once the number one towerfall player in the universe and won a lot of tournaments about it.

you might remember me as that boy with blue and blonde hair wearing neon colors at conferences and conventions.

i'm not on social media anymore. i was for a long time but once i took a short break, i realized that my life significantly improved after bailing on most of the corporate internet.

the best way to get in touch with me is to send me an email at or i potentially have significant availability to work on projects that resonate with my heart and soul in exchange for financial compensation, so send me a message if you think we would be a great match. or if you think we would be fun enemies.

there are no links here because i know most people are just gonna search for more details on the internet themselves. my online presence is a little bit of a mess lately 'cause i'm more focused on my real life presence and relationships.

this website was last updated on january 23rd, 2025.